How can GCMS notes assist if your application is refused?


In some cases applications for student visas, permanent residency, and tourist visas are rejected. Before you re-apply, it is important to understand why your application was refused. Unfortunately, the refusal letter issued by Immigration, Refugee and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) is a standard letter issued to everyone when the application is refused. All it contains is the law under which the refusal decision was made and a list of probable reasons, out of which one is checked that closely matches your case. It does not contain the reasons or the grounds on which the application was refused.



With the limited information, as seen above, it is more likely than not that you will end up making the same mistake again, which would lead to another refusal.  The only way to understand why and what lead to the refusal is by reading the specific notes from the officer. These notes are contained in the GCMS notes. Order e-GCMS to get a copy of your notes from IRCC and know the in-depth reason why the refusal decision was made. These details from the GCMS notes will enable you to file a stronger application when you re-apply and avoid making the same mistake which lead to the refusal in the first place. Empowered with the GCMS notes, your chances of application being refused greatly decrease.

Seek Legal Opinion

If you feel that the refusal decision was made in error or you find it too cumbersome to understand the nuances to re-file your application, you can seek legal help and GCMS notes will greatly help you and your lawyer to draft an appeal or re-file the case. Many immigration lawyers obtain GCMS notes before filing an appeal or petition for re-consideration. If you would like a legal opinion or want an analysis of GCMS notes in plain english to aid you in your decision making consider ordering GCMS I or a Legal Opinion from GET GCMS. The analysis and the legal opinions are given by licensed immigration lawyers.